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Post by Ozelot on 24/08/2022 (last updated on 18/08/2024)

Tags: Webdev

For what?

This site isn't about showcasing impressive projects or boasting about skills. Instead, it's a place where the author can share useful guides, experiences and insights through blog posts. The goal is to create a space where others can find helpful resources and perhaps learn something new, rather than just a display of achievements. You won't find out who I am, what I do or any personal information about me.

What technologies did you use?


Nuxt.js is a framework for creating Vue.js applications. Its goal is to help Vue developers take advantage of top-notch technologies, fast, easy and in an organized way.

This website is made using the Nuxt3 framework as Static Site Generation which doesn't require as many resources as SSR, but is better than SPA in terms of SEO and provides sufficient speed.

Whereas in the case of SPA, only the link would be visible, or if anything - all meta tags would be the same for each page.

It was also possible to do things like sitemap.xml or RSS Feed that are generated automatically.

Nuxt Content

Nuxt Content allows me to easily create and manage blog posts using markdown, without the need for a complex backend system.

Nuxt Content is a git-based, headless CMS. Git-based makes it easy to integrate content creation and management into your workflow. Using a static build, we are able to render the content files and serve them as static assets on a CDN. This results is an optimized and performant site that serves a small payload and is quick to render.

My blog benefits from fast loading times and SEO-friendly features, thanks to its seamless integration with Nuxt.js for static site generation.


This website uses TailwindCSS with Flowbite.

Tailwind CSS allows me to quickly style my blog with utility-first classes, making the design process faster and more efficient.

It offers a highly customizable design system, enabling me to create a consistent and unique look for my site without writing a lot of custom CSS.

With Tailwind, performance improves because it only includes the styles that are actually used, resulting in faster load times.

Web hosting

This website is hosted on Cloudflare Pages. Cloudflare Pages is a free service on which much of the Internet as we know it is based that has a unique edge over the competition in that it lets you take advantage of Cloudflare’s widely trusted DDoS protection. Beyond that, the service aims to enable deployment in record time, meaning that you only need to give it access to your GitHub repository and do some minimal configuration.

Honestly, I chose Cloudflare Pages over hosting the website on my server for 2 reasons:

  • Automatic deployments - As soon as the commits are pushed down, Cloudflare Pages starts the deployment process and soon the new version of the website is in production.
  • Better stability - Decentralization is better than centralization, so if there is a possibility, why not put the website somewhere else than the rest of the stuff so that if everything goes wrong, it will work. Besides, this is a simple site that does not require any advanced configuration.

And it just works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


  • Nuxt.js docs
  • Tailwind docs
  • Unresolved github issues
  • Stack Overflow
  • ChatGPT